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Browse the images below from the family archive

Norman O'Neill aged 53

Norman O'Neill aged 53

G. B. O'Neill, Norman's father 1892

G. B. O'Neill, Norman's father 1892

Emma O'Neill, Norman's mother

Emma O'Neill, Norman's mother

Adine O'Neill in middle age

Adine O'Neill in middle age

Constance O'Neill, Norman's sister 1896

Constance O'Neill, Norman's sister 1896

Adine O'Neill 1899 at the time of her marriage

Adine O'Neill 1899 at the time of her marriage

Kathleen O'Neill, Norman's sister 1898

Kathleen O'Neill, Norman's sister 1898

Yvonne, Norman and Adine O'Neill, Losely 1930

Yvonne, Norman and Adine O'Neill, Losely 1930

Norman O'Neill aged 7 years

Norman O'Neill aged 7 years

Norman O'Neill aged 2 and a half years

Norman O'Neill aged 2 and a half years

Norman O'Neill, 1903

Norman O'Neill, 1903

Yvonne O'Neill, aged 4 years

Yvonne O'Neill, aged 4 years

Norman O'Neill - Donkey Cart

Norman O'Neill - Donkey Cart

Delius letter

Delius letter

Norman O'Neill - Wheelbarrow

Norman O'Neill - Wheelbarrow

Losely Farm, Ewhurst

Losely Farm, Ewhurst

Losely Farm, Ewhurst

Losely Farm, Ewhurst

Norman O'Neill gardening at Losely in 1930

Norman O'Neill's Memorial Golders Green Crematorium

Norman O'Neill's Memorial Golders Green Crematorium



Excerpt from Norman O'Neill's own piano arrangement from the score of The Golden Doom

The Call from Mary Rose

The Call from Mary Rose

Barrie letter

Barrie letter

The garden at 4 Pembroke Villas c. 1930

The garden at 4 Pembroke Villas

The garden at 4 Pembroke Villas

Norman O'Neill in hat with brothers Frank and Harry 1882 or 83

The Studio 1909

The Studio 1909

Norman O'Neill aged 15 years

Norman O'Neill in middle age

Norman O'Neill on the terrace at Losely

Norman O'Neill on the terrace at Losely

3 Edwardes Square 1899

3 Edwardes Square 1899

Adine O'Neill Pembroke Villas 1906

Adine O'Neill Pembroke Villas 1906

Adine Ruckert in Frankfurt 1897

Adine Ruckert in Frankfurt 1897

© 2018 Katherine Jessel, Estate of Norman O’Neill and Stephen Lloyd (biographical texts). All rights reserved.


Katherine Jessel and Stephen Lloyd explicitly agree to the free use of the texts on this website and the images from the PHOTOS page (not the the rest of the website) in concert programmes and publications in print and online, provided the website and the authors of the texts are acknowledged as the source.

Further information on O’Neill Copyright may be found under the IMPRESSUM section of this web site.

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